IPython-extensions requires Python 2.7 or 3.3+.

See also

Installing IPython
How to install IPython
Installing the Jupyter notebook
The Notebook, nbconvert, and many other former pieces of IPython are now part of Project Jupyter.



If you have pip, the quickest way to get up and running with IPython is:

$ pip install ipyext

Installing the development version

It is also possible to install the development version of IPython-extensions from our Git source code repository. To do this you will need to have Git installed on your system. Then do:

$ git clone https://github.com/ipython-contrib/IPython-extensions.git
$ cd IPython-extensions
$ python setup.py install

Some users want to be able to follow the development branch as it changes. If you have pip, you can replace the last step by:

$ pip install -e .

This creates links in the right places and installs the command line script to the appropriate places.

Then, if you want to update your IPython at any time, do:

$ git pull


IPython-extensions relies on a number of other Python packages. Installing using a package manager like pip or conda will ensure the necessary packages are installed. If you install manually, it’s up to you to make sure dependencies are installed. They’re not listed here, because they may change from release to release, so a static list will inevitably get out of date.